Thursday, January 28, 2010

Two years ago...

...Kaiya Elaine and Reyna LaVonne, you were born. You were small and beautiful and everything I hoped you would be. You were healthy and feisty and wrapped us all, yes even your big brothers, around your twenty, tiny fingers. You left the hospital after just four days and were welcomed in to the joyful, noisy existence known as your home.

Since then you have crawled, walked, talked, laughed, danced, played and grown into such beautiful little girls! You like to change your clothes and take off your diapers and dress your babies and eat lot and lots of pears. You are independent and funny and determined to get what you want.

We all love you so much and are thankful for your lives. Happy birthday, sweet girls.

1 comment:

Meg said...

Happy birthday girlies! :) You make two look good ;)