Wednesday, December 2, 2009

37 years ago today....

...this man was born.
7lbs 4oz - 19 inches long
big blue eyes
in a military hospital in Denver

now, he's all grown up
he weighs more
he's taller
he no longer lives in Denver
but he still has big blue eyes
and he gets more good-looking every year
i am proud to call him my husband
and the father of my children

happy birthday, sweetie
hope it's a great one

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So Very Blessed

There's no way to list everything, but here are some of the many blessings I am thanking God for today:

My dedicated husband
My amazing, silly, energetic children
Friends and extended family in many places
Kind and generous in-laws
Growing up in Nebraska
My church
My education
Waking up in my home every morning
Never going hungry
Having enough to share with others
All 5 of my senses and a body that carries me through each day
Making mistakes and seeing beauty in the learning
Seeing beauty every day - really, Ohio is beautiful!!
Grace, Redemption & Forgiveness

Monday, November 23, 2009

Long Overdue......

The last picture was taken just one week ago at our favorite park. It was so warm we all had red cheeks and were sweating profusely when we left! It has been SUCH a gorgeous Fall here and we are so thankful for the extra time outside. Don't get me wrong Nebraska family and friends, we are eagerly anticipating our first snowfall, too!

Oh, if you're wondering, Grayson was a jellyfish for Halloween. A really good one!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy "middle-aged" Birthday Mom (& Grandma)

Hey - you haven't changed much at all! That wasn't really that long ago, anyway. Just think, since then you've left a great legacy of musical knowledge for thousands of students, had two smart and good-looking children (okay, one of them was!), enjoyed the addition of SIX grandchildren (so far) and kept a home cleaner than any I've seen. Now - your life is just beginning!! Go out and have some fun. Be spontaneous. Drive the speed limit. Buy something online. Go out after dark. Don't clean house for one whole day.

We all wish you the happiest of days. Happy Birthday!

Love - Paul, Monica, Grayson, Elijah, Camden, Kaiya & Reyna

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Cousin 'Manda!!

.....or as Elijah would say, Aunt Manda!! Hope you are having a great day. We LOVED having you here for a visit. Please come back again and stay longer. I will post the pics I took soon....hopefully today.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Birthday Little Brother

Many things have changed since that first birthday. A few things haven't. You have always been the best brother a girl could ask for (except that little period when you kept trying to get me in trouble for hurting you and I really wasn't). :) :) You have always made me extremely proud - at every stage in your life. You have always been supportive and kind and caring.

Now, you are a husband and a father and an uncle!! I miss you dearly and wish you were my next door neighbor. Maybe, someday........!

Happy, happy birthday to you. Praying you feel blessed today!

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

For the Love of Tennis

***To Comron, Travis, Tyler and Nate - I am so sorry this is so late! I have no excuse. Not even five of them.

A few weeks ago we had the privilege of hosting a few "tennis guys" from back home. There is a huge tournament every year here and we think we have started a tradition of hosting those who are brave enough to make the trek and put up with our large family. This year we had three guys with us for ten days and a fourth joining them for the last weekend. I don't know how much fun they had, but I know my boys have not stopped talking about their "big brothers". There was laughing and wrestling and little boys waking up big boys every day. We are already looking forward to next year, although we may need a bigger house!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

It All Adds Up To Twelve

2 Apartments,
3 Houses,
5 Vehicles,
2 Dogs,
6 Jobs,
5 Children,
1 Big Move,
1000's of miles traveled,

and much, much more...... all add up to 12.

Twelve years of a wonderful, challenging, blessed, life-changing, laughter-filled, love-growing, on-going marriage. I consider myself privileged to be one half of a great partnership that has endured a few of life's storms and sailed through countless sunny days and celebrations. Above all, I know I am blessed by the One who planned it all from the beginning.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Aren't They Lovely





Kaiya & Reyna Touching Their Noses!!

Our sweet little girls are 18 months old! They have been for a week or so, but the check-up last night made it official. Here are the adorable stats:

Kaiya is 22 lbs 2 oz and 29 3/4 inches tall (or short, since that's only the 10th percentile!)

Reyna is 22 lbs 6 oz and 30 inches tall (also a shortie!)

They say ball, baby, puppy, waffle (faffle), down, bye, hello, cracker (caca), pizza (pita), diaper, mommy & dada.

They love to dance, wear shoes, purses and hats, put on their own clothes, read books and play outside.

On our way home from the appt I heard a great Stevie Wonder song. It's a great song and I thought I'd share a few of the lyrics.

Isn't she lovely
Isn't she wonderful
Isn't she precious
Less than one minute old
I never thought through love we'd be
Making one as lovely as she
But isn't she lovely made from love

Isn't she pretty
Truly the angels best
Boy, I'm so happy
We have been heaven blessed
I cant believe what God has done
Through us hes given life to one
But isn't she lovely made from love

Truly, they are lovely, precious, pretty and sweet as can be. We have been heaven-blessed indeed.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Precious Moments

Just look at that sweet baby boy.....
.....and his handsome daddy,
......and his gorgeous mama,
.....and his aunt Monica who loves him so much,
.....and those feet. Trust me they are totally kissable!

Caleb is a blessing and I am so happy to have had the chance to spend a few days with him. The time spent with his parents, yummy Nebraska food and romantic comedies were all an extra bonus. I miss you all already!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Christmas Songs

I just had an impromtu amazing time with my boys tonight! Camden fell off of a chair, which he is becoming a pro at, and skinned up his elbow. He was pretty upset about it, and with it being close to bedtime, he cried and cried and cried. Well, he loves Christmas songs (as do I) so we sat in the rocking chair and I sang him to sleep. It was pretty great! While he is my biggest snuggler right now, I know the days are numbered.

After I put him to bed, Elijah requested a sing-a-long, too! So, he and I shared the same songs in the pink rocking chair. He had a to have a little "back tickle" with the singing. I have ruined him for life! Just ask Paul.

Grayson came next, although we didn't sing. He told me all about his favorite computer games and had me completely pulled in with all of his hand gestures and facial expressions. It's adorable how he always says, "Hey Mom, can I tell you about this one part? Hey Mom, guess what happens in this part.", right in the middle of a conversation!

I am leaving Friday to spend a couple of days with my new nephew. I am SO excited. I will however dearly miss my family! Please pray for Daddy to be strong and courageous!

"For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline."
2 Timothy 1:7

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

A Quiet Week

Well, as quiet as it can be! No swimming lessons, cub camps or vacation bible school. Just good old fashioned summer play days. I asked Grayson to read yesterday`and he said, "Mom, you said it was a free week!" I think this is the only "free" week we have! Next week I will be snuggling my new nephew, then getting ready for Paul's tennis buddies from Nebraska, visiting teachers for three boys, packing backpacks, starting school on three different days and going to a great concert with Grandma Beth. Oh, and somewhere in there celebrating a 12th anniversary!! Where has the time gone?

It has been cool here, the coolest summer on record supposedly, so it has been great playing outside. I look forward to a day of bubbles, popsicles and cleaning - there is never a free day from that!

Sunday, July 12, 2009

A Great Time at Studio Go!

Well, we made it through the week at Vacation Bible School and had a blast! Grayson and Elijah were actually in their own classes and Camden and the girls were in the nursery - no lack of attention there!! The theme this year was a game show and each morning started of with a crazy host and some fun games. Grayson proved to be quite the contestant a few times and played a very convincing Saul later in the week. I was even given the opportunity to play Esther (though I didn't think it so great at first!) and help lead music all week. We ended the week with a closing program on Friday night and the boys sang in church this morning. Grayson is off to Cub Scout camp this week and he and Elijah are in the second week of baseball. We are busy but enjoying ourselves!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Suggestion From My Husband

My sweet husband was thinking of me and sent this for a blog post. I think it's pretty convicting.

Some TALK the Talk but may stumble WALKING the Talk

A man was being tailgated by a stressed-out woman on a busy boulevard.
Suddenly, the light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right
thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red
light by accelerating through the intersection.

The tailgating woman hit the roof, and the horn, screaming in frustration as
she missed her chance to get through the intersection with him. As she was
still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face
of a very serious police officer.

The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up. He took her to
the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and
placed in a cell.

After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the
door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer
was waiting with her personal effects.

He said, "I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your
car while you were blowing your horn, flipping the guy off in front of you,
and cussing a blue streak at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do"
bumper sticker, the 'Follow Me to Sunday School' bumper sticker and the
chrome-plated fish emblem on the trunk. Naturally, I assumed you had stolen
the car."

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

A Special Occasion

I changed the background of our blog for a Very Important Person whom we will have the great honor of meeting in a few short weeks. My brother and his beautful wife are expecting their first baby, or more importantly, MY first nephew the first week of August. I am thrilled to say the least and am finding it hard to resist all things baby boy. I am praying for the oppotunity to fly back home and spend even a couple days with them shortly after he, Caleb, is born. Any more than that and my sweet husband may fall under the pressure of five very sweet, very adorable, but very time-consuming children! Above all, we are praying for a healthy baby and mommy, and that my sweet brother develops the courage to change diapers. (Seriously - he tried with his three nephews and two nieces but could never get past the smell!) Love you, Colie!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What a sight; what a sound.

I am staring out my bedroom window as I type watching my two oldest boys play with our neighbors' grandson (Elijah's best friend!). They are splashing around in two little plastic swimming pools, playing with the hose and a watering can, and sqealing with happiness. They're doing "cannonballs" as well as one can in a four inch pool and having an absolute blast.

I consider myself someone who appreciates the simple things in life, a lot, but oh how I wish that they were always enough; that I didn't think at times that I need just this or just that to be content. I keep moving to a more simple life and am enjoying the journey, but the world does not always make it easy. So today, I am blessed that God allowed four children to bring home the message that even the small pools are worth swimming in.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Not gone, just busy!!

We have not disappeared. It has been a busy start to summer! A new playground in the backyard, getting Reyna to wear her glasses, taking three boys to swimming lessons, signing up for t-ball and Cub Scout camp, planning for visitors and just plain day-to-day stuff has kept us running. We are all enjoying the great weather and being outside (even the girls, who a short while ago would not put one toe in the grass!) as much as we can. I really do promise to post some of my favorite recent pictures. I have so many picture files that I am beginning to not remember where I have certain photos!

I am also trying to clean and sort out as much of our "stuff" as possible. We are so blessed. We are beyond blessed. I am reminded every day wherever I look how blessed we are. I am compelled to live much more simply and without as many things that I clearly don't need. God has provided so much and I am so very thankful. I guess that
has kept me busy, too!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

I Passed On What?

It now seems as though two of my children have "inherited" my eyesight. Grayson is wearing glasses already and little Reyna is getting hers tomorrow. Elijah is probably not too far behind since at his last check-up the doctor said, "You may want to have his eyes checked again in a couple months. There seems to be a difference in vision between his right and left eye." Really? You're kidding. I guess it could be much worse, and they are still adorable. (You'll have to believe me for now - pictures to follow tomorrow!)

We are leaving tomorrow for NE/CO. The boys get to spend a week with one set of grandparents and the girls get to spend a week with the others. I will be with the girls in the beautiful Rocky Mountains. I am soooooo excited to see mountains again. The boys are super excited to have a week at Grandma's without Mom and Dad. They're not even shy about telling us that!! I will miss them much more than they will miss me, but I guess that's how it's supposed to be. I'm pretty sure Grandma and Grandpa will miss having us around a few hours after we leave. They have never done this before and I don't think they know what they signed up for. But it is too late now!! God is so good and He will give us what we need to make it through. In fact, my Encouraging Word verse for the day was, "God is light, and there is no darkness in Him at all."

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Don't Burn Pacifiers

When the packaging says, "boil for two minutes to sanitize prior to first use", they really mean it - especially the two minute part. By the time you smell burnt plastic it's way too late. The saddest part is, if I can't be focused for two minutes I've got a few things to work on!

On a lighter note, I discovered my oldest child is very fond of chicken. So much so that he literally cleaned the bones of two chicken legs and two wings! He is my only real meat eater these days. Elijah and Camden will pick all of the meat out of spaghetti no matter how long it takes. The girls aren't extremely thrilled with meat either, but they'll eat a good cheeseburger every once in a while! We have been trying to do more meals without meat and add proteins of other kinds. I'll let you know how that goes!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Sunday, April 19, 2009

A Tree Came Down

The boys were so thrilled yesterday. The neigbors were cutting down a 33-year old tree in their front yard. I called them all outside because Paul was helping and I didn't think they'd ever seen a tree come down in person; in fact I don't think I had ever witnessed that in person. Anyway, the sound of the saw, the tree crashing down in the street and the mountain of branches to climb in afterward were quite a thrill for three little boys. They had a blast helping Miss Linda pick up all the branches and leaves. The love to help OTHER people with chores!! It's fun to see them doing that and Paul can't wait until there are three boys to mow the lawn.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Family Picture

This is a picture taken of our family right after the wedding. It was a little chilly in Texas that day so the girls have jackets on. I think it's the first picture of all of us since last Easter!!

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Elijah's Birthday

This post is actually late - Eli's birthday was April 7, but since we left for Texas that day, he and I went to Union Terminal (train station) the Saturday before for his special day. We had so much fun!! The building is beautiful and houses 4 museums while still serving a few Amtrak passengers. You have to see it to believe it and fully appreciate it, but these are few of our pictures. We got to go up to the Control Tower where they still manage some of the train traffic. I think Elijah could move in there and be completely happy!

We're back!!

Well, we made it - through Kentucky, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas and back again! We had a great time seeing interesting places, good friends, new friends, favorite cousins, grandma and grandpa and most importantly, Uncle Andy marrying Lisa (now Aunt Lisa!). Grayson and Elijah were excellent ring-bearers and Paul was a handsome best man. Everyone did quite well considering the 18 hour trip did involve one little boy throwing up twice in the van!!
We were blessed to be able to make the trip and have many memories to share. These are just few pictures from the trip.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!! Hope you have a wonderful day and take some time to celebrate.

And for those of you wondering, that really IS me in the photo!!

God Bless your day Mom and Dad!!

Love - Paul, Monica, Grayson, Elijah, Camden, Kaiya and Reyna

Friday, March 27, 2009

My baby is seven years old!!

He came into the world one week late (by calculations), by unplanned c-section (well, it was HIS plan), at 7:13pm, weighing 7 lbs 12 oz, on Wednesday, March 27, 2002. He had dark hair, chubby cheeks, beautiful blue eyes and the most adorable feet I'd ever seen. We found it difficult to let him out of our sight for even one minute!

Now, his hair is lighter, his eyes are brown and his cheeks aren't so chubby. It is still hard for me to let him go out into the world (on the big, bad school bus) but I do it. He is smart and funny and creative and I adore him even more today than I did that special day seven years ago. He is a blessing to us and to his brothers and sisters.

Thank you, God, for Grayson's life and all the joy he brings!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Couldn't resist one more...

Been busy...

I am finally back! The retreat was this past weekend and was wonderful! The weather was gorgeous and the facilities were equally enjoyable. About 50 women attended and everyone seemed to enjoy the messages, worship and fellowship. Paul survived two nights without me and the kids didn't even seem to notice I was gone. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing!

Grayson lost two teeth in two days and was pretty excited! He will be SEVEN tomorrow and is having a Wii party on Saturday. He has been sick, though, so we are praying he's back to 100% by then!

A friend from church took some pictures of the girls and I posted just a couple. We have a bunch more and they are SO good. She did fabulous job!

I think the pictures are out of order, but oh well!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another week's gone by...

...and still no post! I have been working on a few things for a women's retreat coming up so that has been taking up most of my computer time. I think of so many things to write during the day, but (A) I never write them down, so I forget them, and (B) I end up doing something else. I thought I would mention a few of the cute things I have thought about, overheard or witnessed lately.
  • Elijah was sharing his trains with his sisters the other day. It was adorable - he would start the battery-powered engines and point them in their direction and then cheer when they grabbed one. He was even talking in a cute little voice. The girls were giggling.
  • It is beautiful here today, so we all went outside for a while. The girls don't like the grass at all! I put their little bare feet down and they cried every time. We'll have to remedy that by spending a lot of time outside this summer.
  • Camden told the woman working in the 2's and 3's room at church that his sisters wouldn't be walking until they were boys. Reyna however is walking - all over the place. Kaiya couldn't care less!
  • Grayson, while practicing writing at school, wrote this sentence - My dad is the silliest dad I ever had. And this one, while doing a lesson on Martin Luther King's speech in which they had to start a sentence with "I have a dream..." - I have a dream that all of the animals will get along. He also stated this when asked what he would do if he was President.
Hope you're all having a great week!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009