Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Happy Anniversary Mom and Dad!! Hope you have a wonderful day and take some time to celebrate.

And for those of you wondering, that really IS me in the photo!!

God Bless your day Mom and Dad!!

Love - Paul, Monica, Grayson, Elijah, Camden, Kaiya and Reyna

Friday, March 27, 2009

My baby is seven years old!!

He came into the world one week late (by calculations), by unplanned c-section (well, it was HIS plan), at 7:13pm, weighing 7 lbs 12 oz, on Wednesday, March 27, 2002. He had dark hair, chubby cheeks, beautiful blue eyes and the most adorable feet I'd ever seen. We found it difficult to let him out of our sight for even one minute!

Now, his hair is lighter, his eyes are brown and his cheeks aren't so chubby. It is still hard for me to let him go out into the world (on the big, bad school bus) but I do it. He is smart and funny and creative and I adore him even more today than I did that special day seven years ago. He is a blessing to us and to his brothers and sisters.

Thank you, God, for Grayson's life and all the joy he brings!

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Couldn't resist one more...

Been busy...

I am finally back! The retreat was this past weekend and was wonderful! The weather was gorgeous and the facilities were equally enjoyable. About 50 women attended and everyone seemed to enjoy the messages, worship and fellowship. Paul survived two nights without me and the kids didn't even seem to notice I was gone. Not sure if that's a good thing or a bad thing!

Grayson lost two teeth in two days and was pretty excited! He will be SEVEN tomorrow and is having a Wii party on Saturday. He has been sick, though, so we are praying he's back to 100% by then!

A friend from church took some pictures of the girls and I posted just a couple. We have a bunch more and they are SO good. She did fabulous job!

I think the pictures are out of order, but oh well!!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Another week's gone by...

...and still no post! I have been working on a few things for a women's retreat coming up so that has been taking up most of my computer time. I think of so many things to write during the day, but (A) I never write them down, so I forget them, and (B) I end up doing something else. I thought I would mention a few of the cute things I have thought about, overheard or witnessed lately.
  • Elijah was sharing his trains with his sisters the other day. It was adorable - he would start the battery-powered engines and point them in their direction and then cheer when they grabbed one. He was even talking in a cute little voice. The girls were giggling.
  • It is beautiful here today, so we all went outside for a while. The girls don't like the grass at all! I put their little bare feet down and they cried every time. We'll have to remedy that by spending a lot of time outside this summer.
  • Camden told the woman working in the 2's and 3's room at church that his sisters wouldn't be walking until they were boys. Reyna however is walking - all over the place. Kaiya couldn't care less!
  • Grayson, while practicing writing at school, wrote this sentence - My dad is the silliest dad I ever had. And this one, while doing a lesson on Martin Luther King's speech in which they had to start a sentence with "I have a dream..." - I have a dream that all of the animals will get along. He also stated this when asked what he would do if he was President.
Hope you're all having a great week!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009