Wednesday, November 25, 2009

So Very Blessed

There's no way to list everything, but here are some of the many blessings I am thanking God for today:

My dedicated husband
My amazing, silly, energetic children
Friends and extended family in many places
Kind and generous in-laws
Growing up in Nebraska
My church
My education
Waking up in my home every morning
Never going hungry
Having enough to share with others
All 5 of my senses and a body that carries me through each day
Making mistakes and seeing beauty in the learning
Seeing beauty every day - really, Ohio is beautiful!!
Grace, Redemption & Forgiveness

Monday, November 23, 2009

Long Overdue......

The last picture was taken just one week ago at our favorite park. It was so warm we all had red cheeks and were sweating profusely when we left! It has been SUCH a gorgeous Fall here and we are so thankful for the extra time outside. Don't get me wrong Nebraska family and friends, we are eagerly anticipating our first snowfall, too!

Oh, if you're wondering, Grayson was a jellyfish for Halloween. A really good one!!

Monday, November 16, 2009

Happy "middle-aged" Birthday Mom (& Grandma)

Hey - you haven't changed much at all! That wasn't really that long ago, anyway. Just think, since then you've left a great legacy of musical knowledge for thousands of students, had two smart and good-looking children (okay, one of them was!), enjoyed the addition of SIX grandchildren (so far) and kept a home cleaner than any I've seen. Now - your life is just beginning!! Go out and have some fun. Be spontaneous. Drive the speed limit. Buy something online. Go out after dark. Don't clean house for one whole day.

We all wish you the happiest of days. Happy Birthday!

Love - Paul, Monica, Grayson, Elijah, Camden, Kaiya & Reyna

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Cousin 'Manda!!

.....or as Elijah would say, Aunt Manda!! Hope you are having a great day. We LOVED having you here for a visit. Please come back again and stay longer. I will post the pics I took soon....hopefully today.