Friday, June 26, 2009

A Special Occasion

I changed the background of our blog for a Very Important Person whom we will have the great honor of meeting in a few short weeks. My brother and his beautful wife are expecting their first baby, or more importantly, MY first nephew the first week of August. I am thrilled to say the least and am finding it hard to resist all things baby boy. I am praying for the oppotunity to fly back home and spend even a couple days with them shortly after he, Caleb, is born. Any more than that and my sweet husband may fall under the pressure of five very sweet, very adorable, but very time-consuming children! Above all, we are praying for a healthy baby and mommy, and that my sweet brother develops the courage to change diapers. (Seriously - he tried with his three nephews and two nieces but could never get past the smell!) Love you, Colie!

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What a sight; what a sound.

I am staring out my bedroom window as I type watching my two oldest boys play with our neighbors' grandson (Elijah's best friend!). They are splashing around in two little plastic swimming pools, playing with the hose and a watering can, and sqealing with happiness. They're doing "cannonballs" as well as one can in a four inch pool and having an absolute blast.

I consider myself someone who appreciates the simple things in life, a lot, but oh how I wish that they were always enough; that I didn't think at times that I need just this or just that to be content. I keep moving to a more simple life and am enjoying the journey, but the world does not always make it easy. So today, I am blessed that God allowed four children to bring home the message that even the small pools are worth swimming in.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Not gone, just busy!!

We have not disappeared. It has been a busy start to summer! A new playground in the backyard, getting Reyna to wear her glasses, taking three boys to swimming lessons, signing up for t-ball and Cub Scout camp, planning for visitors and just plain day-to-day stuff has kept us running. We are all enjoying the great weather and being outside (even the girls, who a short while ago would not put one toe in the grass!) as much as we can. I really do promise to post some of my favorite recent pictures. I have so many picture files that I am beginning to not remember where I have certain photos!

I am also trying to clean and sort out as much of our "stuff" as possible. We are so blessed. We are beyond blessed. I am reminded every day wherever I look how blessed we are. I am compelled to live much more simply and without as many things that I clearly don't need. God has provided so much and I am so very thankful. I guess that
has kept me busy, too!